January 27, 2012

NECN: Joe Biden: ‘We’re not the job creators’

Vice President Joe Biden says middle class jobs once shipped to China at an alarming rate are now on their way back to the United States.   “There's a new demand for highly trained new workers, in new fields, in new technologies, in new capabilities.  And that's why we're here today,” he told workers at Safran USA and Albany International. The two companies recently relocated to one Rochester, New Hampshire facility and formed a partnership with a local community college to train workers for the hundreds of high tech manufacturing jobs they’re bringing to the region.  They used a department of labor grant to pay for it and the white house hopes other companies follow the lead.   “We're committed to boost the trend,” said Mr. Biden.  “We're not the job creators.  The biggest way to do that is to shed the policies of the last ten years that have encouraged investment to go abroad.” The Obama administration has put forward several policies to close tax loop holes for companies that off shore jobs and give incentives to ones that bring them back.  A seemingly strategic proposal in an election year that's all about the economy but Mr. Biden says, “There's nothing ideological about that.  That's totally consistent with trade practices and it makes ultimate sense.”