Canada’s top securities regulator on Friday accused a Chinese forestry company of fraudulently inflating its revenue and exaggerating the extent of its timber holdings.
The regulator suspended trading for 15 days in shares of the company, Sino-Forest, which trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange. But its directive came amid some confusion. The Ontario Securities Commission at first took the very unusual step of ordering five directors and officers of Sino-Forest to resign — only to rescind that demand just hours later.
Wendy Dey, a spokeswoman for the regulator, said that the order against the executives, which included Allen T. Y. Chan, the chairman and chief executive of Sino-Forest, was reversed after the commission determined that it could not force their resignations without holding a hearing.
Chris Nicholls, a professor specializing in securities law at the University of Western Ontario, said that he could not recall the commission previously trying to remove corporate officials without a hearing. “But that’s probably because they can’t do it,” he added. “Clearly there was some mistake.”